Julia Tulley Photography | Chicago Children's Photographer »

any minute now…

Time is definitely of the essence in regards to getting this post up.  I wanted to share just a few photos I took earlier this fall of my awesome sister-in-law and her awesome pregnant belly, and I wanted to send it out BEFORE this little guy arrives.  I’m sure he will be stealing the show on here more than a few times, in the very near future, and I find it fitting that we begin his story at the VERY beginning.  Baby boy V, as I have creatively named him, should be arriving any day now (technical due date- T minus nine days… although I’m guessing his mom would rather not think about that timeframe, as it probably feels like an eternity just about now.)  Whenever he chooses to come, he certainly will have a huge fan club that will be celebrating his arrival and fighting over who gets to hold him next.  His Grandpa John will no doubt be first in line.


Already playing with his cousin’s toys: after we placed this little matchbox car on Colleen he promptly kicked causing it to roll right down her belly:

And now that my post is done I can say- come on out baby boy, we’re all ready for you!  Perhaps he has just waiting for the proper pre-introduction?

Jess - January 24, 2012 - 9:09 am

Julia – #3 of Colleen looking up at you is I think the best image I have ever seen from you (and you know I’ve basically seen them all!). It is perfect – it helps that Colleen is not a toddler and held still for you, and is beautiful, but it has really great perspective and clarity. Love this! And I wish I looked this cute pregnant. So excited for your newest family memeber – another boy??!! Awesome. Love.

admin - January 24, 2012 - 9:53 am

Aw thanks Jess! What a nice compliment to start off my morning! Yes, it completely helps that my model is stunning (and has flawless skin, I would like to add that there was no retouching done here… yes, I’m jealous too!) and extremely photogenic. However, it was actually quite a bit harder for me as this was new and a bit out of my comfort zone. Photographing toddlers that are oblivious to the camera is one thing, posing and directing people is quite another… it takes some practice! 🙂

Annie Vihtelic - January 26, 2012 - 9:59 am

I love this, Julia! I can’t wait….

Armin - January 27, 2012 - 11:14 am

Julia, these are gorgeous! The colors, the images, everything!

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