Julia Tulley Photography | Chicago Children's Photographer »

hiatus and necessary breaks

I have been on a slight blogging hiatus for the past few weeks.  I didn’t think anyone would notice much, until I received a message this morning through my site asking where I had been and to please post again soon.   Wait… what?  Someone is looking for me to post?!  Ooooh dear friend… what a sweet message to receive.  Sometimes it’s downright shocking to hear that people are looking forward to seeing your content. To hear this is quite the compliment and I have to say, quite humbling.
So where have I been?  Well, I have been shooting and editing and getting images reading for clients to proof.  I have been scheduling future sessions and am really thrilled to say that I am now booked through August.  It has been a very busy and exciting several weeks.  And during this time I have also been taking a class on properly editing skin tones.  Yes, an entire class on editing skin tones.  I have spent the last several weeks lugging around a binder containing nearly 200 pages on how to achieve perfect tonality in skin… I have been trying to train my eye to see when there is too much cyan or not enough magenta in people of varying colors and shades.  I have watched the teacher edit countless images and I have tried so hard to grasp these concepts myself.  And through this, this binder has sat on my lap.  I know my photographers friends completely get this- it is really not an easy subject to master and so spending the time to really learn this material- well, to us this makes sense.  However, a few other people in my life, as in those I share my walls with, maybe think it’s a little obsessive.  I didn’t realize this was really an issue until my three year old said to me “mommy, stop working on the (com)’puter and put your binder AWAY!”  He wanted me to play with him.  He then did something he has never done before.  He hid my binder.  After taking a break, I returned to my office to find that my binder, and all its brilliant knowledge, was missing.  I may have panicked as this binder contains the hours worth of notes and highlights and tabs that I have made (yes, I love office supplies and any excuse to use them) but- luckily, since this was his first time hiding something, he wasn’t too good at it.  I found my binder tucked under a pillow on the couch, while he sat at the dining room table, angelically eating an orange.  And with that, I decided it may be time to step away from the binder, at least for a few hours.
So tomorrow I will continue to shoot, to edit, and to learn… but for tonight, well, once again my three year old is more wise than me, and he is reminding me it’s time for a break. And to my (seriously awesome) friend inquiring on more posts- thank you. I promise there is a lot to come soon!

amanda - July 10, 2012 - 8:52 am

I’m always excited to see new posts! ANd how sneaky is Connor?! 🙂

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